RSK601: General & Credit Risk Management

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RSK601: General & Credit Risk Management


About this course

This intensive course  has the following structure/outline –

Course Outline
Course Name/Title General & Credit Risk Management
Course Number RSK601
Who will benefit from attending? This course is designed for –

·        Senior, Mid-level and Junior Managers

·        Supervisory Staff

·        Project Managers

·        Team Leaders

·        Staff needing to hone their risk management skills


The course allows delegates to update their knowledge and learn new or improved techniques for building effective risk management systems.



Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)  

On completing the course, delegates will be able to –


CGO1 Describe and characterize basic risk management cycles, processes, models and frameworks
CGO2 Effectively manage credit and general risks
CGO3 Critically appraise vetting, screening and monitoring processes



Course Topics Topics covered include:  
·        Risk Identification, Assessment and Mitigation processes

·        Financial Risk Management Models; Risk and Control Self assessments (RCSA) and Key Risk Indicator (KRI) Schemes; Risk Mapping

·        Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Frameworks

·        Preliminary Discussion of Basel I, II and III Accords


Day 1
·        The CAMELS Banking Framework and its applicability

·        Regression Methods for Modelling Banking Risk

·        Value at Risk (VaR) and Scenario Analyses Risk Modelling Approaches

·        Credit Risk Management (CRM) Processes and Workflows

·        Borrower, Industry and Portfolio Credit Risks

·        Dealing with Asymmetric Information Issues

·        Vetting, Screening and Monitoring Processes

·        Customer Profiling, Position-Limiting & Credit Rating Approaches

·        SIL (Specialization-In-Lending) and KYI (Know-Your-Industry) Precepts


Day 2
·        Contractual Defences – Enforcing and Monitoring Protective Covenants

·        Making Effective use of Guarantees and Collateralizing

·        Compensatory Balances and Credit Rationing Approaches

·        Estimating and Predicting Credit Default Rates using Customer Analytics

·        Using Altman’s Z-score Credit Default Estimation Metrics


Day 3
  ·        CRM Multi-layered Defence Approaches using SB, CR and RM Units

·        Balance-sheet Netting; Utilizing Credit Guarantees, Derivatives and Swaps

·        Credit Insurance & Securitization for CRM

·        Modelling Exogenous and Endogenous CRM Variables

Day 4
Course Scheduling & Price Information
Course Run Dates Course timings to suit EMBT College Schedule and/or client requirements


Course Duration 4 days (this may be varied or customized to suit the client)


Course Venue TBA


Price (GBP) TBA




Course Delivery Approach

The courses are delivered via instructor-led sessions.  Emphasis is placed on the use of topical case studies and relevant simulations to impart practical knowledge and expertise.  Sessions will involve a mix of instructor presentations and case study work, with supporting classroom discussions.





Assessment & Certification

Assessment of performance will be through delegate-completed portfolio of work.  The final course outcome is a college-issued Course Certificate of Completion which is also UK Ofqual-endorsed.



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